
Born and raised in Minneapolis, MN and appropriately named after one of Minnesota legends, Dylan, later nicknamed after his love of writing “Lyirics”.  He began making music at 12 deeply influenced by a wide range of artists from Prince to Eminem, Kanye West to Kate Bush, Nas, John Lennon, Dr. Dre, Pharell and Q-Tip to name a few. The Beastie Boys “Get It Together” was his first introduction into hip-hop an the track made such an impression on him that it inspired him to begin his own journey of creating music. His love for writing music inspired his name “RicX” which derived from Lyrics.

“I see the way music affects people’s lives; music is literally the soundtrack to life. We can attach certain songs to life experiences past and present.”

Outside of being inspired by music RicX’s real inspiration comes from within and the desire to use his God given gift to its fullest capacity. “Acknowledging God has blessed me with voice and talent which if I didn’t use would be a waste.”

From legendary and Hall Of Fame influences combine with his desire to thrive in his craft, its no surprise RicX star is on the rise. And it won’t be long before RicX’s lyrics will be heard and quoted around the world.